about us

Salvation Bible Correspondence School

Salvation Bible Correspondence School was started in 1974 to fulfill the spiritual needs of our listeners and those who were eager to learn about God.

Thanks to God, over the past more than 40 years, Salvation Bible Correspondence School has been helping so many people study the Bible. By working with several Christian organizations, such as Prison Fellowship, Operation Dawn, Chinese Campus Crusade for Christ…etc., we bring the word of God to prisoners and individuals in remote areas that lack Bible teachers.

We hope that, through our courses, the learners will depend on God’s word to live a victorious Christian life. Enrolled learners range from elderly people to elementary school students. The school has expanded its ministry from Taiwan to China, U.S.A, Canada, Thailand, Malaysia, New Zealand…etc., and, from our radio listeners to prisoners. Now the courses are also available through emails. Please contact us for more information.

課程級別 課數 適合對象 課程內容
初級 6課 國中以上期望有系統認識基督信仰,願意在聖經真理上受造就的弟兄姊妹。 主題:「你與上帝的關係」明白上帝是誰、罪的問題、耶穌基督以及如何建立人和上帝的關係。
中級 8課 初級課程結業或完成教會基要真理班者。 主題:「你的良友耶穌基督」。以「馬可福音」為主,查考耶穌基督的生平和事蹟。
高級 4冊 中級課程結業者。 內容分別為:福音中心、靈程基要、基督香氣和真理要道,課程較多而深入。


報名地址 台北郵政信箱44~80號

報名電話 02-27541144

傳真 02—27557822

1、以信件、電話或傳真報名皆可 → 詳細填寫報名表 →請用正楷書寫報名單,我們收到後會寄上課程。

