June & July Prayer Letter 2023

June & July Prayer Letter 2023

“For Christ’s love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again.” 2 Corinthians 5:14-15


Dear pastors & prayer partners: Peace be with you!

Missionaries from Norway came to Taiwan and established the Spiritual Light Lutheran Church and the Life Lutheran Church seventy years ago. In the subsequent twenty years, radio stations sprung up in almost every city in Taiwan. Missionaries founded “Voice of Salvation (VOS)” in 1974 to join radio ministries. Back then, the first recording studio of VOS was a small hut in the back yard of the “Life Lutheran Church”.

Our thanks to God! The gospel programs produced by VOS started out small in Taiwan and have reached audiences across China today. In 2003, we received a vision of “Let all the Chinese around the world hear the voice of salvation.” Since then, our radio ministry extended to territories in U.S., Canada… and the globe.

When we re-think what Jesus Christ instructed his disciples:"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth," we came to realize that many disciples who faced persecutions as they testified in the name of Christ, and some even suffered martyrdom. Yet, they never stopped serving our Lord. What happened to those disciples back then, we also follow the same path to serve our Lord. We have experienced and witnessed that -“the gospel is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes!” In God’s guidance, the scope of VOS ministries proceeded continuously in terms of breadth and depth by God’s work.

We would like to invite you to join forces in supporting VOS media ministry. Through diverse social media platforms and APPs, Chinese people in the globe can listen to the gospel more easily and more frequently.

[Thanksgiving, News, Prayer Requests]

1.The Program Department is creating a task force for program production and begins trainings of program planning, recording, post-production editing. Please pray for the staff training and smooth operations of teamwork.
2.It will be the fiftieth anniversary of VOS next year. Please pray for us on organizing the event.
3. To cope with the ministry tasks, we need to hire 2 administrative assistants, 3 program hosts. Please pray for us on recruiting staff and we welcome your recommendation.
4.Testing and tuning the new APP optimization is still in progress. Please pray for us on the APP testing and data preparation.

[Letters and Messages from Listeners]

….I am a member of the church group who listen toLight of Truth. I like this program very much and listen to it every day. I am enlightened and receive a great deal of help fromLight of Truth. Thank you for offering programs that nourish our spiritual lives, affirm our faith, and help our spiritual lives grow. Please also pray for my son, guide his way ahead and take charge of his future...…. (a listener in China)

…. I am grateful that VOS makesLight of Truthavailable. While facing hardship, I learned to re-think, be thankful and determine to follow our Lord always.…. (a listener in China)

…. Thank brothers and sisters in Christ for their prayers. May God bless your work. I believe that your giving will not be in vain. May God bless all of you..…. (a listener in China)

….Dear Host, good day. Please pray for me. I don’t sleep well at night and feel disturbed. Thank you. May God bless you for guarding me.…. (a listener in China)

….Thanks to our Lord. The program, broadcasted yesterday, offered a huge help to me personally. It is not just a huge help; it is a tremendously huge help. I am a person believing in God and seeking help from Him. I shall not depend on my own smartness, ability, and wealth. Instead, I shall seek God’s guidance in His grace…. (a listener in China)

….I pray often that I shall love brothers and sisters in Christ as if the way I love myself. Yet, one day, God gave me a test to see how much I love brothers and sisters in Christ through an event. You must guess it right! I failed; I chose myself instead of them. I realized that God loves me; my spiritual life grows through this event and roots on Him like a rock. He taught me that I should fulfill my words. I suddenly understood and my heart was filled with joy by the Holy Spirit that replaced sadness of failure. At that moment, my heart was happy and my spirit was filled with joy...…. (a listener in China)


[letters from Bible Correspondence Course Students]

…. Dear teacher, peace be with you! I am a student of basic level and still have a lot to learn from you. I have a question about praying. What methods and forms can I pray to Lord? (starter, main portion, ending). If you can share your experience with me, it will help me to speak more easily and express in a more relaxing style to our Lord…. (student Fu)

…. During the long prison serving time, I attended the VOS Bible Correspondence Course and found my faith once more. Behind the cold iron bars, there is no freedom. However, God is with me always. During this period of time, I encountered problems. However, God resolved these problems for me through my prayers. Thank God for having mercy on me. I will continue enriching and improving myself in the path of faith…. (student Pan)

…. My thanks to Lord for choosing a sinner like me; I can be righteous by faith as well. My life and spirit are able to be reborn. Thanks to Lord for giving up His life for me. Nowadays, I give thanks to and pray in all circumstances.….(student Yo)

…. My thanks to Lord! I am really happy that I know God truthfully. Before I began serving my time, I did not understand how serious my sin is, how deep God’s love is; and how amazing God’s work is.….(student Teng)

…. In the Bible Correspondence Course, I realized how God created this world and how ancestors of mankind betrayed God. I understood now why everyone has sin in the laws of God and learned that God offered us His greatest blessing – Jesus Christ. Jesus died for our sin. God offers us a chance to be born again with a new spiritual life through believing in God, confession, being forgiven…. (student Yang)